Mark My Hope

Webster’s Dictionary defines the word “mark” as this: (1) A conspicuous object serving as a guide for travelers.  (2):something (such as a line, notch, or fixed object) designed to record position.
I define the word “Mark” as oh. so many things!  A God Follower.  My cherished husband and bestest friend.  The love of my life.  My richest and truest  blessing and gift from God (with the exception of Jesus)!  A beloved and adored father.  A loyal son and doting brother.   A reMARKable family member.  A faithful friend.  A master of puns.  A fun-gai.  A creative businessman. A humble leader and boss.  A thoughtful and kind person.  A generous and caring human being.  A good man!
Thus the play on words is two fold.  This blog has been created to share the journey about a man, a wonderful man, named Mark.  It was also created to point and  encourage others, who may be in need of just a little more hope, to the Name and Giver of Hope, as we all journey through this broken world…together.


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